Medicine is a team sport. We work with multi-disciplinary teams to deliver patient care. However, there may be times when you will work with a colleague who worries you professionally. You may find it difficult to address this unprofessional behaviour, especially as a junior member of the team. In this episode, we’ll be talking about when this becomes enough to act and what you can do about it. Expert guests: Prof Charlotte Rees (@charlreessidhu on Twitter) is the Head of School of Health Sciences, College of Health, Medicine & Wellbeing at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Prof Lynn Monrouxe (@LynnMonrouxe on Twitter) is a Professor and Academic Lead of Health Professions Education Research at The University of Sydney. They are the co-authors of the book, Healthcare Professionalism: Improving Practice through Reflections on Workplace Dilemmas. Check us out on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Thank you to Louise Griffin, final year med student at the University of Birmingham and Clegg Scholar 2022, who proposed this idea to be a Sharp Scratch episode.
This podcast is produced and edited by Dom Byrne and Duncan Jarvies.