Medicine is a career unlike almost any other. As medical students and junior doctors, we’ve had a lot of experience with strange, surreal moments. The first time you ask a super invasive question to someone you’ve known for all of five minutes, the first time you make an incision in surgery, the first time you do an intimate examination - all of these things can be really strange as they go against our social norms. Getting used to this is important but no one ever teaches us this in medical school. In everyday life, there are lots of rules that we follow that aren’t written down anywhere. But when we start placements, we have to unlearn years of following those rules and start doing things that conflict with how we would normally act. Join us in this episode as we talk about how strange medicine can be and how best to cope with moments that can sometimes be uncomfortable or awkward. Check us out on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
This podcast is produced and edited by Dom Byrne and Duncan Jarvies.