The climate crisis is a health crisis. In this episode, we explored how climate change will affect how we practise medicine, the importance of sustainable healthcare practice and what you can start doing on a personal, professional and political level towards a greener future. Climate change is a complex and multi-faceted problem. It’s fair to point out that not everything is covered in this podcast. We would encourage you to do further research and empower yourself and others in working towards a greener future. Expert guest: Dr Anna Moore is a registrar in respiratory medicine, the Health Education England Population Health Fellow for NHS Lewisham and Greenwich Trust and the vice chair of Green at Barts Health. Thank you to Rhiannon Osborne who contributed to this podcast. Check out Anna’s editorial in the BMJ on integrating planetary health into the medical curriculum: Check us out on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
This podcast is produced and edited by Dom Byrne and Duncan Jarvies.